Location: The Golf Dome - 1205 Wilkes Ave., Winnipeg
Add us on Social Media and send us a message to get put on the wait list for when spots open up
Facebook: Super Elite Football
Twitter: @SuperEliteFB
Instagram: @superelitefb
What to Bring: Cleats (Runners are fine also)
Date: Saturday, November 28th, 2015
Ages: 9-14
Info: Are you ready? Super Elite is coming to Winnipeg! We are excited to be working with the Canadian Football League Players’ Association and Super Elite Football in putting together a FREE Youth Football Fundamentals Camp. The camp will take place during the Grey Cup Weekend festivities on Saturday November 28th. This is the inaugural Grey Cup Youth Football Camp created by the CFL Players’ Association and hosted by Super Elite Football, Ontario's largest football mentorship program. This is a great opportunity to be coached by CFL Pro's, learning mentorship and football fundamentals for an experience of a lifetime. Each player will receive a free t-shirt. This will be an experience the kids will not forget! Spots will be capped at 100 kids so make sure to register to reserve your spot!
Content copyright 2015. Super Elite Football. All rights reserved.
Cancellation Policy:
Any cancellations received by Super Elite Football will be subject to a deduction of 50% of the cost of the camp
If cancellation is within 48 hours of the event, we do not issue refunds.
*In the case of extenuating circumstances, Super Elite will use discretion in issuing refunds/ credits.